Friday, August 20, 2010

My Soul's Quiet Voice

This time there is no need to close my eyes
I can clearly see the words dancing around
racing at a million miles per hour
these words comprise unspoken thoughts, feelings,
unanswered questions and questions that will never be a
asked, my heart is beating against my chest and the pain begins
to emerge its the battle symptoms from the war between my
mind and heart, my heart wants to go
off of implusions, off of feelings and my mind well
it's reasoning, anaylzing every situtaion every scenario
every possible outcome but even in the midst of the
chaos and confussion, even in the midst of the
yelling being done both by mind and heart
it's my soul's quiet small soothing voice that I hear
the loudest my soul is neutral ground one in
which peace of the most pleasureable nature I find
my soul is still and calm and all the while
its calling out to me, reminding me, to wait
on the Lord for all things are in His hands and
only He truly knows what's best for me with
that in mind all that I have left to do is kneel
down and ask the Lord that like Mary may it
be unto me according to His will and nothing more
----- by Tanya D Torres

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It is Well

I never understood just how
These word could be said
How even in the midst of troubles
People claimed they were been blessed.

How could hands be lifted up
While tears rolled down their face?
And though hearts were shattered
They thanked God for His sweet grace.

My mind couldn’t grasp it,
The idea I couldn’t conceive
How could they say “It is well”?
This I just couldn’t believe!

Why, if it was me going through
That trial…
I couldn’t say “it is well”
My heart is way too fragile!

The more I tried to understand,
The more confused I became.
I didn’t know how peace could come
Just by calling on Jesus name.

So much pain, many trials and tribulations
That we don’t think we can survive
We live in a world of death
And we don’t even realize…

I’d say, well, these words I’ll never use,
I don’t think I ever could,
Be in such sorrow and sadness
And be calm like those people would.

This can’t be some magic words
There must be some explanation
It can’t possibly be all well
There must be some sort of frustration!

Then, the Lord Jesus came into my heart
And even then, there for a while
I started to hide my emotions
And instead I tried to smile.

I tried hiding my emotions
And I thought that’s what it was.
I had to say “It is well”
Even if my heart inside was sad.

Oh but I was so wrong,
This to me was finally revealed.
“It is well” isn’t something you just say
Is something you truly feel!

“It is well” is not a spell you use
Or just any simple phrase
It is the assurance that you have
Of been covered by God’s mercy and grace!

It is knowing that no matter what
Life’s circumstances or situations
Even if your world has fallen apart
You have a strong foundation

“It is well” it’s not explainable
Is not something you can understand
Is something you know in your heart
Is something you reach by faith
And there alone you stand

Is knowing God has control
And a plan that is by far better
For it isn’t a plan that last a lifetime
It’s a plan that last forever.

Now I now where the strength lays
It’s beyond the inner veil
Now I know that Jesus is with me
I can surely say that “ALL IS WELL”

---by Selene

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Help Lord my doubtful heart

Lord, I know I haven’t been the easiest project lately,
I’ve fought You in everyway possible a rebel I’ve been completely.
I say I have surrendered, that I have given You my all,
I say that I’ve let go, and that I’ve given You control.
But although Yours I long to be, I just can’t get it right
Everything around me tumbles me over, and of You I loose my sight.
Lord I remember that one day, to You my heart I opened,
It was worthless, shamed, hurt and in a million pieces broken,
You received it in Your arms and filled it with Your strength,
To You it was a treasure you’d restore with Your grace.
Immediately You got to work and begin the clay to mould.
You’d picked me up from the ground, knowing iniquities I’d hold.
The scum of the Earth, filthy and wretched, it was my condition and this I never knew.
My prideful heart thought it was right until I came to You.
And oh that day I felt Your grace pouring over me,
What joy and gladness filled my heart, that day you set me free!
Then time went by and satan came my joy he took away,
all my sins he brought to mind surely trying to lead me astray
Therefore my Lord as I kneel down, to You desperately I implore,
It’s not too late I know You are there, please my salvation’s joy restore.
Am holding on please don’t let go, hold me with your unfailing love
I don’t mean to fight against You Father, for You alone are my only hope.
I know the words I am telling You, may sound contradictory,
And everything I am saying now, is all the same old story.
But Lord you know my heart and everything inside,
You know I truly love You, and wish to walk right by Your side.
You are able to overlook my fallen outs, my doubts and fears,
Though am unworthy you extend to me Your mercy and grace, and wipe away my tears.
Lord, break me in any way You need, and put me through the fire.
Mould me to be the perfect vessel for Your service, that’s my heart’s desire.
Don’t let anything come between us, don’t allow me to be stubborn,
Take from me all my weak links and use them for your honor.
Keep me Lord in Your word, everyday getting stronger
Always thirsting more for You, until I can thirst no longer.
Let me not look at my condition, though I may be in the middle of a storm.
Help me keep my eyes on You, faithfully becoming in You strong.
Like Abraham, I too believe, in hope against hope.
You stooped so low only for me, to feel Your perfect love.
To forgive me of all evil, and give me a brand new start.
To praise You, and worship You ,and from Your mercy never part.
I thank You for Your grace, the grace You extended for me to receive,
The mercy You provided to wash away my sins, and be able to believe.
Believe, to be able to accept that sacrifice done on Calvary.
Where You gave Your only Son to shed His blood for me.
There are not enough words, to thank you enough, and be able to express.
How grateful I feel, for I am truly, richly blessed!
And although satan comes and tries, to tell me that I am a sinner.
My sins are all under the blood, for all I’ve been forgiven.
And though sometimes me heart can doubt, and feel by him deceived,
When on my knees, You give me strength, You remind me to believe.
I keep on looking towards the cross, where once I was set free.
And with Your word, You promised me, satan would have to flee.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.
I was lost and blind, but now am restored free to worship Thee!