Friday, August 20, 2010

My Soul's Quiet Voice

This time there is no need to close my eyes
I can clearly see the words dancing around
racing at a million miles per hour
these words comprise unspoken thoughts, feelings,
unanswered questions and questions that will never be a
asked, my heart is beating against my chest and the pain begins
to emerge its the battle symptoms from the war between my
mind and heart, my heart wants to go
off of implusions, off of feelings and my mind well
it's reasoning, anaylzing every situtaion every scenario
every possible outcome but even in the midst of the
chaos and confussion, even in the midst of the
yelling being done both by mind and heart
it's my soul's quiet small soothing voice that I hear
the loudest my soul is neutral ground one in
which peace of the most pleasureable nature I find
my soul is still and calm and all the while
its calling out to me, reminding me, to wait
on the Lord for all things are in His hands and
only He truly knows what's best for me with
that in mind all that I have left to do is kneel
down and ask the Lord that like Mary may it
be unto me according to His will and nothing more
----- by Tanya D Torres

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